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How do I learn basic app development in a week?

Are you ready to build an android application or to learn on demand service app development? Yes, there are many advantages of being a developer in the booming app industry. You can learn how to build apps just like you learned how to read and write in school. Building an Android app comes down to two major skills/languages: Java and Android. Java is the language used in Android, but the Android part encompasses learning XML for the design of the app, learning the concepts of Android, and using the concepts programmatically with Java.
Once you learn Java and XML (XML is really easy to get used to, and you should learn the language as you program your app rather than learning it beforehand like you would with Java), you need to learn how to connect these two using Android principles for work on demand app development service.
For a total beginner, I recommend learning Java. There are no shortcuts here, you just have to learn Java. As a total beginner, I recommend YouTube tutorials to get the basic idea of how to install Eclipse (the Integrated Development Environment, or IDE, for Java) and the Java Development Kit (JDK). It also helps to get the basic idea of syntax behind Java concepts, such as for loops and if statements. There are various youtube channels from which you can learn easily.
Here are a list of some the helpful areas to start:
Devices - Android targets more than just phones. This section will help you learn how phones, tablets, TVs, and watches all relate and how you can design an interface that adapts to all of them.
Patterns- Android is built on structured interfaces. This section teaches the building blocks of how apps work so you can design the framework that you'll be building your design on top of.
Material Design Documentation- This is technically a separate section for now, but Google's newest version of Android will introduce a new type of design language called Material Design.
Hope my Answer Helps you if yes then give an UpVote!!!


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